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        3. About us

          About us

          Development Strategy

          Pearl river cast pipe group from production and business operation to capital operation and investment management, promote production standardization, information intelligence, automation, financial continue to play a coal road industrial integration advantages, expand the big data, new energy, new comprehensive energy infrastructure, and other business, strive to become the domestic energy and infrastructure advantages competitive transnational investment management group.

          • Electric Power Sector

            The electric power sector strives to achieve a total asset scale of 29 billion yuan, annual revenue of 10.2 billion yuan and total installed capacity of 16.8 million kw within five years.

          • Energy Sector

            Coal production will be increased by 20 million tons in the next five years

            Total assets achieve 59 billion Yuan with a production capacity of 20million tons/year and an annual revenue of 26.3 billion Yuan within five years.

          • Road & Bridge Sector

            Luqiao Group strives to achieve total assets of 24 billion yuan, annual revenue of 3.1 billion yuan and total operating mileage of 310 kilometers within five years.

          Scanning Following


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