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        3. About us

          About us

          About us
          • billion
            Total Asset
          • billion
            Accumulative Total Profit
          Private capital is a pioneer in investing in large energy and infrastructure projects

          Guangdong Pearl River Investment Management Group Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest private enterprise groups engaged in large-scale energy and infrastructure investment in China. The company headquarters is located in Guangzhou, in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei and other areas with a number of subsidiaries. Over the years, with the advanced management concept and talent mechanism, in large energy and infrastructure project investment has made great achievements.

          Scanning Following


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              3. 一个人看的wwe日本电影,一个人晚上看wwe,艳母动漫免费看,顶级大但人文艺术欣赏

